91 Essential Nutrients - Arthritis

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Espaņol 91 Nutrientes Esenciales

Naturopath - Arthritis

Dr Wallach on Arthritis:
Dr. Wallach’s Natural Arthritis Treatment:

In 1985, it was estimated that 35 million Americans suffered from chronic joint pain. Today over 66 million are suffering — that’s one in three adults.

Arthritis Foundation states that arthritis is the most common chronic health problem in the nation and is the leading cause of disability in those over age 15. Women suffer from the debilitating condition more often than men. And while it is more common in adults, some 300,000 children also fall victim to this disease.

The two basic types of arthritis are inflammatory and degenerative.

Degenerative arthritis
and Dr Wallach teach us that is is Osteoporosis of the joint ends.

arthritis - associated with inflamed joints also typically has Mycoplasma, a group of microorganisms which are a cross between a virus and a bacteria, adding to the sysmptoms.

There are approximately 100 different diseases related to the joints. No matter the cause, inflammation is at the root of most joint pain.


Watch and listen to what Dr. Wallach has to say on the natural treatment for Arthritis:

According to Dr Wallach, Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting some 21 million adults. The condition can affect just one or many joints. Many cases are the result of repeated trauma to a joint. We see this in athletes such as runners and basketball and football players. Early on, it was thought that the repeated trauma itself caused the joint to degenerate. But newer studies indicate that many of the changes seen in these joints resemble other forms of inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. The difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis appears to be more a matter of degree than pathology. Osteoarthritis appears to generate a more smoldering, indolent form of inflammation than rheumatoid arthritis does.Pathologically, we see a progressive loss of the cartilage, sclerosis of the underlying bone, changes in the synovial membranes lining the joint and an increase in joint fluid (synovial fluid) with a thinning-out of the fluid. In X-rays, the joint loses its normal space, and the bones around it begin to form bone spurs (osteophytes). A recent study used high-resolution ultrasound to examine osteoarthritic knees in 71 people and found that all showed varying signs of knee joint inflammation. In the early stages of the disease, inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) were seen to accumulate in the affected joints, and over time the inflammation seemed to burn itself out. By then, the joint was essentially destroyed.  More and more, we are learning that excessive inflammation damages a variety of organs and tissues in the body, leading to a number of chronic diseases. And the reverse is true, as well — chronic inflammation associated with other diseases also can manifest itself as arthritis, as we see with diabetes and lupus. The primary site of damage is the cartilage of the joint. Specialized cells called chondrocytes make cartilage. These cells manufacture a complex chemical composed of proteoglycans (a substance that is bound to protein chains and is found within connective tissue) and type II collagen. Recent studies have shown that when there is a lot of pressure on the joints — like that produced by standing, running and other weight-bearing activities — the chondrocytes generate increasing amounts of destructive free radicals. These, in turn, trigger inflammation. When chondrocytes die, no more cartilage is made, and so the joint deteriorates. Without cartilage, the ends of the bones begin to rub against each other (bone to bone arthritis), causing those near the joint to deteriorate as well.

Fortunately, thanks to Dr Wallach, Youngevity has a product called Gluco-Gel (included in Healthy Bone and Joint Pak), which contains glucosamine sulfate 2KCI and gelatin in proper formulation that Dr Wallach recommends for cartilage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and it's Crippling Effects

Details on Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and recommendations:

Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden recommend: Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0

Dr Wallach's research shows that there are about three million people suffering with Rheumatoid Arthritis — and this form can be terribly crippling, as it creates intense inflammation and free radical generation within a number of joints. Mycoplasma, a group of microorganisms which are a cross between a virus and a bacteria, is associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and a strong immune system is required to fight it, so Dr Wallach recommends a Youngevity product: Ultimate Killer Biotic for the immune system to fight
Mycoplasma. With Rheumatoid Arthritis the inflammatory cytokines and free radicals flood the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body, including the brain. Study has shown that several of the plant flavonoids (For example, curcumin, quercetin, and silymarin (from milk thistle)) have the ability to suppress inflammatory white blood cells (macrophages and microglia). With these, you can get the same beneficial effect of prescription drugs and antibiotics like minocycline without the dangerous side effects. and Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 contains a high amount of flavonoids and is included in the Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0. Magnesium, fish oils, borage oil, and the other anti-inflammatory supplements also work for rheumatoid arthritis. But magnesium is especially important, and most doctors including rheumatologists simply don’t have a clue. Steroids, often used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, deplete the vital element magnesium.

According to Dr Joel Wallachs research, all of the nutrients for this natural arthritis treatment (including magnesium, fish oils, borage oil, and other essential fatty acids) can be found in the Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0. Magnesium dramatically reduces inflammation, boosts cellular antioxidant defenses and prevents many of the complications of inflammatory arthritis, such as cancer, brain damage, and atherosclerosis. Most important is that all these nutrients are together wholisticly with all the other essential nutrient co-factors in the 
Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0.

Beyond Osteo-fx contains 1200 mg of Calcium and 300 mg of magnesium, and is included in the Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0. It also contains many other nutrients vital to bone and joint repair and maintenance. As such; it is the product of choice for arthritis natural treatment and psoriatic arthritis natural treatment.

In Dr. Wallach’s book “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” he states “Treatment of arthritis should include: calcium at 2000 mg/day (more if you eat meat twice a day) magnesium at 800 to 1000 mg/day and collagen, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate at 1000 mg t.i.d..

The Healthy Bone and Joint Pak 2.0
will provide for the above but doubling up on the Osteo-fx Plus and Gluco-Gel dosages is required to meet the above requirement. Adding Plant Derive Minerals for rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment is recommended.

According to Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden, to support and promote the health of the joints, these supplements give the body the nutrients that it needs:
Healthy Body Bone And Joint Pak
1) Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 - 2 scoops per 100 lbs body weight
2) Beyond Osteo-Fx Liquid or Powder - 1 Fl Oz, or 1 Scoop per 100 lbs body weight per day
3) Ultimate EFA+ - 3 Caps per 100 lbs per day
4) Ultimate Gluco-Gel caps - 1 Cap per 10 lbs body weight per day
in addition:
5) Plant Derived Minerals - 1 Oz per 100 lbs body weight per day
6) Ultimate Killer Biotic  - one bottle a month per 100 lbs body weight for 3 months
Avoid the 10 Bad Foods

To order your products listed above: click here
Healthy Body Bone and Joint Pak:

This pack is specifically formulated to support and promote healthy bones and joints. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition including Beyond Tangy TangerineŽ 2.0 Citrus Peach Fusion - 420g canister (1), EFA PLUS™- 90 capsules (1), Beyond Osteo Fx™ - 357g canister (1), Gluco Gel 240 capsules (1) and CM Cream 2 oz (1)

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None of the information on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or to take the place of your physician. All that is recommended on this site is to support and promote your health. The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor