91 Essential Nutrients - How To Eat

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Espaņol 91 Nutrientes Esenciales

Naturopath - How To Eat - Good Foods vs Bad Foods

Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden: What to Eat & What Not To Eat:

10 Foods NOT To Eat:

Wheat - Gluten: destroys digestive tract, prevents absorption of nutrients, causes disease
Barley - Gluten: destroys digestive tract, prevents absorption of nutrients, causes disease
Rye - Gluten: destroys digestive tract, prevents absorption of nutrients, causes disease
Oats - (more research needed) similar to Gluten

Oils - contact with air oxidizes oils and when eaten they become free radicals that create inflammation and cell destruction, cooking with oils is worse as it creates more trans fatty acids (we are not able to SEE the oxidative damage with oils, but the damage is visible with an Apple after we cut it, and a banana after we peel it - watch it turn colors, it is the same damage that happens with oils in bottles with air (oxygen) in the bottle)

Fried Foods - super heating oils creates free radicals and acrylamides, leads to inflammation and cancers

Carbonated Drink with a meal - soda, sparkling water, etc.: neutralizes stomach acid, hampers absorbing nutrients during digestion

Well done Meats - produces heterocyclic amines that are free radicals that increase risk of cancers - but rare or medium meats rare are OK and good to eat

Nitrates - added to Deli meats has free radicals

Skins of Baked Potatoes, Baked Yams and Baked Sweet Potatoes - if boiled skin can be eaten

In addition:

Eliminate GMO's - most Soy and Corn

Eliminate Alcohol as it's the biggest killer and the most dangerous drug. Eliminating it will be one of the best things you ever did.

Reduce sugar as much as possible as it suppresses the immune system, also feeds cancers

Burn sugar - do not be sedentary with a body full of glycogen (stored sugar) in the muscles, making it easy for ingested sugar to spike up blood sugar levels. Anaerobic exercise is a popular effective means to accomplishes that.

Avoid Margarine (loaded with trans fatty acids) - use Butter instead

Salt your food to taste as Dr Wallach has found it does not cause high blood pressure

How To Eat - Understanding the 10 Bad Foods:

Good Foods - What To Eat:

Eggs - Poached, Soft Boiled (Yellow Yoke - Not Green), Soft scrambled in butter
Beef - Rare, Medium Rare
Nuts - Mixed, Salted (No Peanuts)
Nut Butters (No extra sugar)
Pure Buckwheat (is not wheat)
Couscous (made from Pearl Millet only)
Coffee, Teas, Green Tea

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