91 Essential Nutrients - High Blood Pressure

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Espaņol 91 Nutrientes Esenciales

Dr Joel Wallach On High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure can lead to:
1) Stroke
2) Heart Failure
3) Coronary Heart Disease
4) Kidney Failure

Dr Wallach has learned that most high blood pressure is caused by a Calcium deficiency (and it's co-factor nutrients). Many people would think - "I take a Calcium supplement every day - how can that be?" Well, unfortunately most people take "Metalic" Calcium - which as explained by Dr Wallach as "nothing more that ground up rocks and shells" with a very low absorption (up to 10%, only 3-5% over age 50). Dr Wallach formulated a Youngevity calcium product with about 95% absorbtion - Beyond Osteo-FX.
In addition, Dr Wallach learned that some people get high blood pressure due to clogged arteries in the kidneys (P.A.D. - Peripheral Arterery Disease). Watch the videos. To support and promote healthy circulation in arteries and clogged arteries Dr Wallach formulated a clinical nutrition product: Ultimate Daily.  

According to Dr Wallach and Dr Glidden, to support and promote healthy blood pressure, these supplements give the body the nutrients that it needs:
Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 (
per 100 lbs body weight per month)
1) Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 - 2 scoops per 100 lbs body weight
2) Beyond Osteo-Fx Liquid or Powder - 1 Fl Oz, or 1 Scoop per 100 lbs body weight per day
3) Ultimate EFA Plus - 3 Caps per 100 lbs per day

In addition:
4) Ultimate Daily  - 3 capsules, 2 times a day
5) Ultimate Selenium  - 1 capsule per 50 lbs body weight per day

6) Plant Derived Minerals - 1 Oz per 100 lbs body weight per day
Optional if tight budget:
Ultimate Classic - 1 Oz per 100 lbs body weight per day

Avoid the 10 Bad Foods
Consume 100,000 ORAC points of Anti-Oxidants daily

To order your products listed above: click here

The truth about High Blood Pressure is explained - enjoy!


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Questions? Need Help Ordering or Signing Up? Email: livelongernow@protonmail.com

None of the information on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or to take the place of your physician. All that is recommended on this site is to support and promote your health. The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor