91 Essential Nutrients - Dr Joel Wallach and Benny Hinn Interviews

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Espaņol 91 Nutrientes Esenciales

Dr Joel Wallach and Benny Hinn Interview

Dr Joel Wallach interviewed by Benny Hinn - all 7 interviews (5 video interviews - Monday through Friday, plus 2 more later in the month) - Priceless!

Pastor Benny and Dr Wallach are led by God through these TV interviews aired on TBN and WORD Network to get this message to many of God's children so we can gain our health back and "take back what the devil stole" by putting back into our bodies the nutrients, especially the minerals, that were leached from our farmlands during the past century.

To get your copy of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" book and the audio CD (plus more) that are offered on the Benny Hinn Show interviews at a low cost with fast shipping - click here
In the first week of February of 2014, a series of 5 daily interviews were aired.

Also, on February 27 and 28th two more shows were aired - and here they all are! Note: these same interviews were re-aired in April and May 2014.  After watching these always inspiring videos, next click on
Creflo Dollar and Dr Joel Wallach and watch these 2 sessions for a complete presentation of Dr Wallachs "assignment" of feeding God's people - the session by Creflo goes into much detail.  Enjoy, be blessed - and take some notes!

Gen 1:28 "replenish the earth"  - Since our ancestors stopped replenishing our earth (by not putting wood ashes back into our soil) for a little over a hundred years now, we make up for it by "replenishing our bodies" by putting in the minerals and nutrients that we would have had with the 91 Essential Nutrients.

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Feb 3, 2014 Part 1

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Feb 4, 2014 Part 2
Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Feb 5, 2014 Part 3

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Feb 6 2014 Part 4

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Feb 7, 2014 Part 5

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Thursday Feb 27, 2014

Benny Hinn and Dr Wallach Interview - Friday Feb 28, 2014

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