91 Essential Nutrients - Dr Joel Wallach Founder Of Youngevity

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Espaņol 91 Nutrientes Esenciales

Dr Joel Wallach Founder Of Youngevity

Dr Joel Wallach - Dr. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND- The Father of Liquid Mineral Supplementation, Founder Of Youngevity

" Our bodies need no less than 90 essential nutrients, and there are as many as 10 deficiency diseases that can result for each nutrient that is missing for any length of time. This is a total of up to 900 diseases that can be PREVENTED with proper nutrition." - Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, Founder of Youngevity

Born and raised in Missouri, Dr. Joel Wallach attended The University of Missouri, where he received a Bachelor's degree in Science of Agriculture. A veterinarian for 30 years, he worked as a research veterinary pathologist with The National Institute of Health for The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia, at Emory University. Having discovered and identified the first animal models for cystic fibrosis - monkeys - he found that he could reproduce their condition at will because it was a nutritional deficiency. His find offered great promise for children with the disease, but when he made it public, the institute fired him on 24-hours notice. Chagrined and perplexed, Dr. Wallach made the decision to go to medical school so he could treat children for cystic fibrosis himself.

Realizing that traditional medical school was likely to be as repressive as the National Institute he accepted an invitation to teach nutrition at The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon, not even knowing what a naturopathic doctor was. When he learned that he could be a primary care physician-deliver babies, sew up chainsaw wounds, write prescription and get paid by insurance - all through a program that encouraged interest in nutrition, he simultaneously enrolled as a full-time student. Soon people were flocking to the college clinic.

Doctor Wallach's innovative slant is derived from his background in veterinary medicine. Because there's no health insurance, animal products such as meat and dairy are kept affordable by preventing and curing diseases with nutritional formulas in animal feed. When he started incorporating similar nutritional formulas with people, word got out that, "if your not happy with your doctor, go see Doctor Wallach, he'll treat you like a dog, but you'll get better."

1962 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Major in Animal Husbandry (Nutrition)
Minor in Field crops and Soil
University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.

1964 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.

1966-68 Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems
Washington University, Barnes Hospital
St. Louis Zoological Gardens, Missouri
Shaw's Botanical gardens, Missouri

1982 Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
The National college of Naturopathic Medicine - Portland, Oregon

1988 Recipient of the 1988 Wooster Beach Gold Medal Award for significant breakthrough in the basic understanding of the cause and pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis awarded by the Association of Eclectic Physicians.

1991 Nobel Prize Nominee - Medicine for his stunning discoveries in the use of trace minerals to prevent catastrophic diseases in the newborn. Nomination by the Association of Eclectic Physicians (Chartered 1823).

Dr. Wallach has consulted with, worked for and performed autopsies at The National Science Foundation (in assistance to creation of the 1968 Animal Welfare Act), the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The University of Chicago, The University of Missouri, The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University, The University of Tennessee, and Iowa State University.

The following city zoos and aquariums have also drawn on Dr. Wallach's expertise in employing him to perform clinical work and animal autopsies: San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago (Lincoln Park, Brookfield and The John G Shedd Aquarium), New York, Washington D.C. (National), Detroit, Memphis, (Overton Park), St. Louis, Jacksonville, Fl; and The Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Wallach worked on rhino and elephant capture and marking conservation programs for the government of Zimbabwe and South Africa, also performing autopsies on culled and poached animals.

A NIH training grant for $7.5 million was provided in 1965 to Marlin Perkins of the St. Louis Zoo and Barry Commoner of Washington University and Shaws Botanical Gardens who joined to form the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems.

Dr. Wallach does not now or has he ever in the past claimed he is a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). He is a certified and licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (N.D.) Oregon License No. 533. Dr. Wallach was awarded this four year doctorate in 1982 by the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Joel Wallach has published numerous books on dietary deficiencies and their resultant effects. Dr. Wallach conducts approximately 300 lectures annually to overflowing and enthusiastic audiences and has sold over 40 million cassettes/CD's which are recordings of the lecture "Dead Doctors Don't Lie".

List of Published Books

Vantage Press- Joel D. Wallach, DVM and Josephine Wallach

(1983) DISEASES OF EXOTIC ANIMALS - This book is now in the Smithsonium Institute!
Medical and Surgical Management, W. B. Saunders Company. Joel D. Wallach, DVM and William J. Boever, DVM

Double Happiness Publishing Company, J. D. Wallach, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS

RARE EARTHS Forbidden Cures
Double Happiness Publishing Company, Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, and Ma Lan, MD, MS.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallack, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan

Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Ma Lan


DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE - The Video (2 hrs 16 min) 1996

and many more...

Dr. Wallach shares his wit and wisdom with literally millions of American through regular local and syndicated talk radio shows, television and live lectures across the nation, including ABC's 20/20 and Inside Edition

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