Essential Nutrients - Doctor Wallach Lectures
Joel Wallach -
Founder Of Youngevity Dr Joel
Wallach and Benny Hinn
Interview on Benny Hinn Feb 2014 Doctor Wallach Lectures
And Nutrition
- Dr Wallach
Truth About
Cholesterol Why
Colloidal Minerals Youngevity
Opportunity Success
Stories 90
For Life
Testimonies Dr
Joel Wallach On
Diabetes Dr
Wallach On Lyme
Disease Creflo
Dollar and Dr Joel Wallach Lectures
You Are What You
Loss How
To Eat Arthritis
- Dr Wallach Medical
System Youngevity
Products Info Lupus
Heart Failure
Degeneration Kidney Stones
History Of
Medicine Fibromyalgia
Gall Stones
and Goiter
Hernia Pregnancy
Retina Prostate
High Blood
Pressure Alzheimer's
- Eczema, Rashes, Hives, etc. Vertigo
Stomach - Acid Reflux,
GERD, Heartburn Parkinsons
Carpal Tunnel
And Sweating Pastor
Jamal Bryant and Dr Joel Wallach Doses
- How
Much To Take How To
Place An Order
Nutrientes Esenciales
Dr Wallach Lectures
" Our bodies need no less than 90 essential
nutrients, and there are as
many as 10 deficiency diseases that can result for each nutrient that
is missing for any length of time. This is a total of up to 900
diseases that can be PREVENTED with proper nutrition." - Dr. Joel
Wallach, BS, DVM, ND, Founder of Youngevity
from Dr Wallach's audio lectures:
Hello, Dr. Wallach, the women in my family are plagued with hay fever
and asthma and allergies, and every summer I have to listen to them
nattering on about all their symptoms and the latest drugs they got
from their doctor, and I don’t want to join those ranks. Is there a
better way?
Absolutely, let’s start with asthma, it’s the easiest one to deal with.
Asthma is actually a deficiency of three nutrients: magnesium,
manganese, and the essential fatty acids (EFA). And by taking the Pig
Arthritis formula twice a day you’re going to get the optimal amounts
of the plant-derived colloidal and the chelated magnesium and
manganese. And then by taking minimum daily requirements of the 9 grams
of the essential fatty acids, that would be 3 of the Ultimate EFA
capsules with each meal, 9 a day, that’s going to give you the minimum
daily requirement of the essential fatty acids, and those three
nutrients together – magnesium, manganese, essential fatty acids, will
allow you to produce what’s called prostaglandin. Prostaglandin's are
little short-lived hormones that last in your bloodstream 30 seconds,
60 seconds. So your body is continuously making them, kind of
rapid-fire, and when you don’t have those three nutrients you’re not
making the proper prostaglandin's to keep your bronchi and your
tracheae open, and that’s when you develop asthma. It’s very common
when people take all 90 essential nutrients including the magnesium and
manganese and the essential fatty acids, within weeks or months the
tightness that’s a constant tightness in their chest is significantly
reduced, from 8 even totally relieved. The frequency and severity of
their asthma attacks significantly is reduced. Certainly still keep an
inhaler available in case you have some unexpected emergency, kind of
like wearing your seat belt. Even though you’re on a smooth flight and
you’re not going to anticipate sudden turbulence, you need to be
prepared for emergencies, but you have every honest expectation of
doing very well.
Dr. Wallach, what about Arthritis?
Answer: Well
arthritis is my favorite disease, because it’s easy to fix. It’s one of
the great myths that the medical profession perpetuates that you can’t
build bone mass after the age of 50, 60, 70 years of age, you can only
slow down the loss. And the reason why they say that is because they
try to rebuild bone mass using plain Calcium, whether it’s TUMS or
calcium citrate or carbonate or gluconate or lactate. And your body
will not retain much of any of the calcium you supplement within your
bones without first building new bone matrix. You have to have new bone
matrix. This is the rubbery collagen material that looks like tendon or
skin, and it makes up 25 to 40% of bone weight, 40% when you’re a child
and 25 when you’re and adult. And so it is absolutely essential if you
want to deal with the wear and tear arthritis, Osteo Arthritis,
degenerative arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis effectively, you have to
take all 90 essential nutrients and the best way to do that is with Dr.
Wallach’s Pig Arthritis formula. Remember, I’m a veterinarian as well
as a physician, and we learned a long time ago, maybe a hundred years
ago in veterinary medicine that we could prevent and even reverse,
(maybe we could even use the ‘cure’ word in animals), arthritis, simply
by giving the animal the raw materials to develop properly and to
maintain and repair the joints. And so, using this information that we
developed in animals, if you use the same concept in human beings, I
have literally seen tens of thousands of people over the years who had
bone to bone arthritis, osteoarthritis, they have degenerative
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, which are basically a joint form of
osteoporosis… it’s osteoporosis of the joint ends of the bones and they
have tried all kinds of medication, and of course if you take
medication, if you take a pain killer, take an anti-inflammatory for
arthritis, essentially all you’re doing is cutting the wire to the red
warning light. Pain in the joint says “don’t use me until you fix me”,
and by taking a pain-killer, by taking an anti-inflammatory which will
reduce pain, you are allowing that joint to be used even though it
would have been painful without the drug. And so you are wearing that
joint out faster and faster, and to me it’s criminally negligent for
someone to be prescribed a pain killer or an anti-inflammatory for
joint disease without repairing the joint at the same time.And this is
where the Pig Arthritis formula really shines. And it was again
developed in animals to prevent and cure arthritis in pigs, and it
works just like a charm on human beings.
Dr Wallach:
1957 we
learned that aneurysms were caused by a copper deficiency. We had a
pilot project, 250,000 turkeys, and we made complete food pellets where
you put all 90 nutrients in there, and in the first 13 weeks, fully
half of those turkeys died. 125,000 died. Farmers were out there every
morning picking them up by the bushel basket. They took them to the
State diagnostic labs for an autopsy, and they found out that they all
had died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. So they doubled the amount of
copper in there, and the next year they tried to raise 500,000 turkeys,
and they didn't lose a single turkey from a ruptured aortic aneurysm.
And they ran that experiment in mice, and rats and rabbits and dogs and
cats and calves and sheep and pigs, and guess what? They found out that
there is a whole series of diseases that are caused by copper
deficiency. Gray hair is the first sign. We start getting gray hair,
regardless of age, you have a copper deficiency. You get skin wrinkles,
because the elastic fibers in your skin are going... those little crows
feet around your eyes, facial and body skin wrinkles. You look like
you're a little prune, drying up
Dr. Wallach, I would first of all like to personally salute you for the
efforts that you’re making. I, like so many other people, was vaguely
aware of things. You certainly have got my attention. I’d like to come
back, just for a second, on this copper thing. Copper, if a person has
those visual symptoms, gray hair and that, and decides to supplement
and go after it a little bit, is it possible, or what is the maximum
that a person can take without, I’ve heard that you can take too much
Answer: It’s
a great question, because people are concerned about overdosing with
vitamins and minerals, including copper, and I’ll answer you two ways,
one in a generality, then specifically.
The general answer is that if you look at the medical profession,
according for the Center for Disease Control, Harvard Medical School,
the US News and World Report, Ralph Nader, Sydney Wolf, Rand
Corporation and many many other well respected institutions, they say
that doctors kill 150,000 to 300,000 Americans each year in hospitals
alone, as a result of medical negligence. Doctors injure 1.3 million
Americans each year in hospitals alone as a result of medical
negligence, and doctors infect 2 million Americans alone in hospitals
as a result of medical negligence, for a total of 3.5 million
casualties inflicted upon the public in hospitals, just as a result of
medical negligence.
On the other side of this picture, there’s not a single person who has
overdosed on vitamins and minerals and trace minerals, including
copper, where they have to be hospitalized or anything bad happen. And
so when you compare the safety of vitamins and minerals and trace
minerals, including copper, compared with standard medical procedures,
it’s enormously safe. And that’s why I’m so excited about nutrition,
and the Pig Arthritis formula, and the plant-derived colloidal
minerals, including copper.
Now to answer your question specifically, I can tell you this, if you
take the plant-derived colloidal copper and the chelated copper like
you find in the Pig Arthritis formula, two doses a day, the hair color
will begin to come back. It always starts at the nape of the neck,
comes over the crown of the head then down the sides of the head. And
when that happens, almost everybody sees some repair, maybe
significant, maybe total repair of the veins and the arteries, by
repairing the elastic fibers. I’m reluctant to give you a milligram
dose, because the first thing somebody does is run out and get x number
of milligrams of copper and in of itself, a lone free-standing
nutrient, you’re not going to be happy with the results because of the
lack of absorbability and these other co-factors such as amino acids
that have to be there for the copper to work very efficiently,
including a trace mineral called molybdenum. And so, I prefer to tell
you to take the Pig Arthritis formula twice a day and if you want to
speed up the process, Youngevity has a great product called Ultimate
Selenium which has some additional chelated copper in it. And that’s
the direction I would go.
Dr. Wallach, my 16 year old daughter has been diagnosed as having
Fibromyalgia. What can you do for her?
Answer: That’s
actually an easy one. We eliminated fibromyalgia in animals in 1957. In
sheep it was called ‘stiff lamb disease’ and also in sheep and calves
and fouls, baby horses, and chickens and turkeys and any other animals
that were raised for meat, the disease is caused by a deficiency of 3
nutrients: the trace mineral Selenium, Vitamin E and the sulfur bearing
amino acid, methianine. And there’s two things you have to do to deal
with fibromyalgia. Number 1, eliminate the free radicals and the trans
fatty acids that actually initiate damage to the muscle and causing the
scarring of the muscle tissues, very painful, even normal muscle
movement. And you can understand why they call it ‘stiff lamb disease’,
if you have fibromyalgia. So you eliminate fried foods, such as fried
potatoes, which teenagers live on fried potatoes, right so eliminate
fried potatoes, fried chicken, fish, shrimp, fried eggs, tempura, stir
fry, anything fried, all margarines, salad dressings with oils in them
have to be eliminated, and then again the Pig Arthritis formula is
perfect because it has optimal amounts of the trace mineral Selenium
and both the plant-derived colloidal and the chelated form, has optimal
amount of Vitamin E and sulfur bearing amino acid, methianine, it just
works like a charm. Quickly, within weeks and months so they feel and
they can recognize some benefit and many people will get significant
benefit very quickly.
BABY FORMULAS/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
Dr. Wallach, are baby formulas enough for our babies when they are
Unfortunately not. Our formulas we give to dogs, or kittens, have 40
minerals in them, including the minerals lithium, chromium, vanadium,
selenium. Ralston Purina laboratory rat pellets contain 28 minerals,
including lithium, chromium, vanadium, selenium. There’s not a single
human milk replacer on the market on or off the shelf of a grocery
store that has more than 12 minerals. None of them contain lithium,
chromium, vanadium and only 2, Pro Soy Bean and Enfamil have Selenium
in them. And it’s tragic that we give our dogs 40 minerals and our rats
28 and our kids 12 or less, you can begin to see why we spend 1.2
trillion dollars for healthcare last year. You can begin to see why we
only live to be 75.5, half of our genetic potential for longevity of
120 to 140, why we only ranked 17th in longevity and 19th in
healthfulness, simply because we don’t get the basic raw material to
develop properly and maintain the repair of cells from the very
beginning. I’ll give you a tragic example. Sudden infant death syndrome
is something everybody is familiar with. We eliminated sudden infant
death syndrome in animals back in 1950’s because farmers can’t afford
to lose 2 or 3 or 5% of the baby animals they are raising to sudden
infant death syndrome. And we learned it was due to a deficiency of the
trace mineral, Selenium, causing sudden death in the most robust and
healthiest of the baby animals in the group or the herd or the flock,
and we eliminated it simply by giving the pregnant mothers Selenium.
And as soon as the baby was born or hatched it would get Selenium and
if you look at the human infant milk replacers on the market, only 2 of
all of them put Selenium in the formula. And so, if I were going to
raise a child today on these infant milk replacers, the infant milk
formulas in a can, or bottle or box, I would pick the two, Pro Soy Bean
and Enfamil that have Selenium in them. And to stack things in favor of
the child, I would still give the, from the moment they are born,
teaspoon per 20 lbs. of body weight of the Pig Arthritis formula twice
a day. You may not want to use the orange juice in a newborn baby
because they can develop allergies to it. But that would still give
them the plant-derived colloidal and the chelated minerals and vitamins
and amino acids, and the tragic example of this is, 65% of all the
babies dying of sudden infant death syndrome in America are being fed
canned milk replacers. Two-thirds of the ones who die of sudden infant
death syndrome are being fed these canned infant formulas. I guarantee
you they are being fed the ones that don’t have Selenium in them. And
so, absolutely, it’s important to supplement these babies from birth
because you can’t get everything from your 4 food groups. Certainly not
out of these canned formulas.
Dr Wallach:
Then, there's receding gums, dentists and periodontists will tell you
that if you want to prevent and cure receding gums you had better floss
and brush after every meal. If you believe that works, I have some
ocean-front property in Montana to sell you. You all know your
geography, you know that doesn't work. Now as a veterinarian, I've seen
hundreds of thousands of animals of all kind, mice, rats, rabbits,
dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, horses, lions, tigers, bears, and they don't
get receding gums. And they don't floss. But they do get flunky breath,
but they don't get receding gums. Boy if you want to smell something
you just let a camel breathe on you. Well, the reason we don't have
receding gums in livestock is because we've dealt with the Osteoporosis
problem. Receding gums is not a deficiency of flossing, it is, in fact,
Osteoporosis of the jawbones and the facial bones. So if you have
gingivitis or receding gums, you have advanced Osteoporosis. Those
bones around your teeth are melting away, little bit by little bit
everyday. And if you take your teeth out at night and put in a glass
next to your bed in that fizzy stuff, you have major, advanced
Osteoporosis because all your bone has melted away.
Dr Wallach:
Then there is hypertension. This is one of my favorites, so
I'll put a star over here. Hypertension is high blood pressure. What's
the first nutritional thing your doctor will tell you to give up when
you get high blood pressure? Salt. Everybody knows that one, it has
been ingrained in our heads. Well, they must think we are dumber than
cows, because what is the first thing you put out for your cows, and
it's about that big? A salt block. No farmer is going to be
economically viable if you don't put a salt block out for your
livestock. They're going to die. They're going to get their veterinary
bill and they are going to go crazy. Now we're supposed to believe that
we don't need salt, that we can get everything we need out of your
lettuce and your whole wheat bread, and stuff like that. Well don't
believe that one either. If you believe that, I've got some more ocean
front property in Montana. Remember, those long-lived people put a big
chunk of rock salt the size of a big black Concorde grape in every cup
of tea, and they drink about 40 cups of tea a day cause they live at
high altitudes where it is very dry, and they have to keep hydrated.
And they put butter in their tea. They put two pats of butter and
chunks of rock salt. They don't put the pink stuff or the blue stuff,
or skim milk, or Creamora, or whatever it is. Guess what? The doctors
who lived to be 58 tell you, "No salt, no butter". The people who live
to be 120, they put in butter and salt. You have got to make some
They took 30 million dollars of your tax money, and two years ago,
after a 20 year study, they came out and said that they took 5,000
people with high blood pressure. They took them off their medication,
and put them on a reduced salt diet, a restricted salt diet, and they
all died. No big surprise. But somebody got a PH.D. degree and
everybody was happy, right? But when they looked at this result, they
said, "Oh, only 99.7% of the people didn't get any results from that
before they died. 0.3% did get some results, dropped their blood
pressure 1 point before they died, by restricting their salt." So the
referees said, "Oh, doesn't matter. You might as well let high blood
pressure patients eat salted peanuts, and dill pickles, and salt to
their food to taste, cause it doesn't matter. In fact, worrying about
the salt is more stress than taking the salt.
Then they had a controlled group with 5,000 people with high blood
pressure and they doubled their RDA of calcium and they stopped their
experiment in 6 weeks. Cause 85% of them were cured of their high blood
pressure, just by doubling their calcium intake.
Now they didn't, cold turkey, stop their high blood pressure
medication, what they did was, they went to the doctor and he said,
"You don't need this medication anymore. What are you doing?"
"Well, I'm on this experiment where I double my calcium intake."
Anybody get a recall notice from your doctor saying it's okay to salt
your food to taste, and please do double your calcium intake? Anybody
get that? Not a single one. It's very interesting.
Dr Wallach:
Then, of course, there's kidney stones. And then there's bone spurs,
heel spurs, and calcium deposits. Again, physicians will tell you the
first thing to give up officially is calcium and dairy, because they
have this foolish belief, the stupid belief, the ignorant belief that
the kidney stones, bone spurs, heel spurs, and calcium deposits come
from your diet, when instead it only comes from your bones when you
have a raging Osteoporosis. And when you get these things, you need
more calcium, not less.
and COLLOIDAL (98%) :
Dr Wallach:
Okay, if I've convinced you that you have to consciously take in all
the minerals yourself, that you can't depend on your food, and
certainly you can't depend on anything that's boxed or packaged or
bottled, there's three types of minerals that you have to be concerned
about. One is metallic minerals. Metallic minerals are essentially
ground up rocks. Metallic minerals are things like oystershell,
eggshell, dolomite, limestone, calcium carbonate, clays of various
kinds, Mt. Meroulinite clay, seabed minerals, Tums. They're only 8-12%
absorbable, and when you reach age 35-40 it drops down to 3-5%.
I have to tell you a story here. Some of you heard this on the show
today. I ran into a guy at a meeting like this up in Grand Rapids,
Michigan, and this fellow owns a port-a-potty business. You know,
that's that green or blue colored out-house? Man, if we had only had
one of those back when I was a kid. We had these ones with splinters,
you know, in wood. At any rate, he said, "I see something that
describes that in my port-a-potty business." I said, "What's that?" He
says, "When we take those things back to the shop to clean them out
with the pressure hose, we put a quarter inch grid underneath them
because kids throw rocks and sticks and toys in there, and if we don't
put a grid there, it blocks up the sewer system and costs us thousands
of dollars to fix it. Everytime we clean one of those out, we find
hundreds of vitamin tablets."
I said, "Well how do you know they are vitamin tablets?" He said,
"That's easy, right on the coating it says 'Theragram-M, One-a-Day,
Centrum.'" He takes me out into the back of the shop and there is this
literal mountain of all these vitamin pills he got out of his
porta-potty. And that's
because you can't absorb metallic minerals. If you read
the labels on those multiples, they say, "Your iron comes in the form
of iron oxide". What is iron oxide? Rust. You might as well go out to
an old railroad track and take your butter knife and scrape some of
that rust off and lick it. And you're going to get your iron
supplement. That's what they're giving you. I'll show you how bad it
is. If you take something like calcium lactate, which is a common
metallic mineral, let's say it's a calcium tablet with calcium lactate,
1000 mg. If you take two of those, you're not getting 2000mg of
calcium. In fact, I have people all the time say, "Well, I took lots of
calcium, Doc. I hear you on the radio all the time talking about
calcium and arthritis, and I took 2000 mg calcium a day. Didn't help my
arthritis. In fact, it got worse."
I said "What kind of
calcium are you taking?" He said "Calcium
lactate". Well there is your problem, because only 250mg of that is
metallic calcium. So let's say you absorb 10% of that, then the other
750 mg is lactose or milk sugar. So 10% of 250 is 25, so if you take 2 of those you're not
getting 2000, you are getting 50mg. So to get what you
need, you need to take 90 of those tablets a day. You need to take 30
with each meal, and you got 59 more minerals to go.
And there's those people who want to do things naturally. Let's see if
you can do anything good with ten pounds of spinach. To be fair, let's
see if you can get 1000mg of magnesium. I picked magnesium because in
green leafy vegetables, you have a lot of magnesium because of the
chlorophyll. Part of the chlorophyll molecule. And any pound of
anything you've got 454 grams and ten pounds of spinach you've got 540
grams, of which 97% is water. Let's say you have 1 gram of chlorophyll,
in that 10 pounds of spinach, that's 50 mg of magnesium. You've got to
divide that into the 1000 you want, you get a factor of 20, which you
multiply times the 10. You have to eat 200 pounds of spinach, and
you've got 58 more minerals to go. Okay?
So, you've got to be a pretty big person to accomplish all this. Even
as big as I am you can't get it done. So I prefer to supplement. Rather
than do those things.
Then, of course, during the '60's, the agricultural industry came up
with chelated minerals. Chelated minerals, because farmers aren't dumb
enough to pay for a dollar of something that goes into an animal's
mouth and have 99 cents come out in the manure. So, I have to really
thank farmers for being that clever, and chelated minerals are just
metallic minerals with an amino acid or protein or enzyme wrapped
around the metal atom, to increase the absorbability to 40%. Then the
health-food industry jumped on that right away, because it is a major
improvement in absorbability of minerals.
The most efficient way to
absorb minerals is the colloidal form.
Colloidal minerals are 98% absorbable. Two and a half
times more available than chelated minerals and ten times more
available than metallic minerals. And they are very interesting. They
are liquid. They can only be liquid. They're very small, particle size,
they are 7,000 smaller than a red blood cell, and they are negatively
charged. Every particle is negatively charged. Your intestinal lining
is positively charged, so you actually have an electrical or magnetic
gradient that concentrates these minerals around the lining of your
intestine. These three things together give you the 98% absorbability.
Now plants have a very interesting part to play in colloidal minerals.
Remember we said that plants cannot create minerals. If they are not in
the soil, plants can't make them. Remember US Senate document 264 says
they are not in the soil anymore. Metallic minerals are taken up by
plants when they're in the soil. Plants convert them in their tissues
to colloidal minerals and this is how we store minerals in our body.
This is how we use minerals in our body. This is how we transport
minerals from the storage place to the site of use, in the colloidal
form. Well, our plants, our crops don't have much in the way of
colloidal minerals in them because we don't have any metallic minerals
in our soil. Is this important? Well, yeah, these long-lived cultures
who live to be 120-140, they have certain common denominators. They all
live in high mountain villages that are above 8500 to 14,000 ft. in
elevation. They all have less than 2 in. of precipitation a year. They
don't have any rain, they don't have any snow. They don't have any dew.
Very, very dry places. And guess what? They get all their drinking
water and all their irrigation water for their crops from what we call
glacial milk. Glaciers in every one of those communities grind up the
parent rock of those mountains, about 4" per year, there's more than
60-72 minerals in each one of those places. The water that comes out
from underneath those glaciers is not clear like Perrier or Evian
water, or Poland water or Geyser water. You take a glass full up and
hold it up it looks like Jersey milk. I mean it is either yellow, white
or white-blue, it looks like milk and it is called in Titicaca or
Tibet, they all call it glacial milk. And not only have they consumed
it, drunk it and got 8-12% until they were 35-40, then 3-5% absorption
for 2,500 to 5,000 years depending on the culture, more importantly,
they have irrigated with it. Year after year, crop after crop,
generation after generation, for 2,500 to 5,000 years. They have no
diabetes. They have no heart disease. No high blood pressure. No
arthritis. No Osteoporosis. No Cancer, no cataracts, no glaucoma. They
have no birth defects, no jails full of drug addicts. No taxes. No
doctors. Yet they live to be 120-140 without disease.
Are these colloidal minerals important? You bet your life they're
important. And everytime you don't take them in everyday, you're
chopping off a few hours or a few days of your life. Most people are
not going to go to Hunse or Tibet, or Titicaca, because we don't have
Kenmore kitchens there, or even Saturn cars, or TV channel changers, or
electricity. They don't have insulated houses. They don't have central
heating or air conditioning. But what they do have is colloidal
The only place you can
get these in the United States is from
a prehistoric valley in Southern Utah, according to
geologists, 75
million years ago has 60-72 minerals in the walls, and the floor of
that valley. And those trees and the grass is in that valley, in that
forest, took up all the metallic minerals and made colloidal minerals
in their tissues. About that time there was a volcanic eruption which
entombed that valley with a thin layer of mud and ash. Not thick enough
to crush or pressurize this into oil or coal. It was very dry in here,
so it never became fossilized or petrified, never became rock. Today,
if you put a shaft into this valley it still just dried hay, 75 million
year old hay. You can still see the grass and the leaves and the twigs
and pine cones and the bark and so forth. If you ground this plant
material up into a flour, very small particle sized flour, like a good
wheat flour, and for 3 to 4 weeks soak it in filtered spring water.
When it reaches a specific gravity of 3.0, it's very heavy, it has 38
grams of this colloidal minerals in it per quart or liter, and by
actual analysis it has 60 colloidal minerals in it, and it works.
People were running around 12, 15 years ago saying "Hey, my arthritis
got better. My diabetes got better. My early Cataracts went away. My
white hair turned black again. My knee arthritis got better." And so
they thought, "Oh, they must be putting cortisone, prednazone,
antibiotics, or drugs in that stuff", and when they examined it for 2
years it only had 60 colloidal minerals in it.
(Note: all transcripts above are direct quotes from Dr Joel Wallach
speaking in his audio lectures)
Wallach Talks About Reversing Diseases Including Arthritis
Wallach Original
Audio Tape
(move play button to anywhere in audio time line)
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